Arabella’s Photo Shoot with Miss Kristin

We have a sweet friend who is also a photographer. She has captured photos of Arabella since she was a newborn. We hope to keep the tradition going where she’ll do a photo shoot of Arabella each year. Check out the photos to see why I woke up at 2:30 am and saw the photos and have since then not been able to go back to sleep. These photos show how our family is on a daily basis: Arabella’s endless expressions, all three of us laughing all the time (if one person starts laughing, the other two follow and it becomes a jolly fest), and lots of love between all of us!

mama_daughter familyshot

Here’s the link:

Cueingly Yours,

One Year….. Already?!

Wasn’t I just 9 months pregnant and overdue yesterday? Nope. It was an entire year ago! Well, a little over a year now that I’m just posting this.

People aren’t kidding when they say time flies when you have a baby. Honestly, those sleepless nights feel like they’ll never end in the moment, but once you blink.. 5, 10, 20 sleepless nights have passed. Funny…as I type this Arabella has been asleep for 9 hours straight and that has me wide awake since 2 am making sure she’s still breathing. Ha! #mommyism There goes that hashtag again. I rock!

Arabella has hit so many milestones in just one year. It’s been an amazing journey for Aaron and me. Every day, it’s something new! Last night before bed, we had a total heart melting moment. She’s been saying the words “bye” and “daddy” by themselves for a good month and a half. Last night, when Aaron was saying good night, I see her say “bye bye daddy”! Two word phrases?! What?! Slow down girl!

This girl has the most determined personality. I’m not sure where she gets that from….? (haha) She’s a go-getter. She is such a social bug, too. When I take her food shopping with me, she gladly sits in the front of the cart and puts on a show in the store. She’ll find people to wave to and will continue waving while saying “hiiii” until they look at her. This mama, who is typically always on a mission to get in and out of the store ASAP, will put a smile on her face and go with the flow. I also can’t help but laugh because the reactions on other people’s faces are pretty hilarious to watch. I always get the question “how old is she?” because Arabella is on the tiny side. She may be 1, but we come across many 9 month olds who are bigger than her.

She still cue babbles and is such a bookworm. Books are her thing. She is the BIGGEST helper, ever! I don’t think I’ll have to hire a maid until she’s old enough to understand chores are no fun. She’ll find a towel and walk somewhere in the house and start cleaning. I’m honestly not sure where she learned that from because I rarely have time to clean!

I could go on and on…. but she is such a happy little girl. Her toothy grin and giggles are all we need for us to know we’re going to have a good day which is every morning when she wakes up. She sits up in her bed and talks to make the monitor go off and waits with a smile on her face knowing we’re coming to get her. 1….2…3… AWWWWW.

We are excited to see what the next year will bring although I don’t want her to grow up. Boo hoo.

Here are some photos below that Aaron took on her 1st birthday when we took a family trip to the pumpkin patch (I took the third one just as we were heading back to the car when Arabella was waiting for me to show up).

AVR_Birthday_1-1  AVR_Birthday_1-2  AVR_Birthday-3

Cueingly Yours,