Happy New Year everyone!

We arrived back in Colorado on New Years Eve from Florida after witnessing a beautiful wedding between my sister, Michelle, and her husband Paul. So we both ended up crashing hours before the ball dropped.

The only goal I have set in stone for me this year is to continue some house projects, mostly DIY stuff. When Aaron and I bought the house, we agreed we want most of our house decor to be handmade by us or other people as it would be fun to have stories behind each handmade object. Towards the end of 2011, I started doing more crafty stuff around the house and it definitely was very relaxing for me and a nice break away from the hustle and bustle of life. I even taught myself how to knit, but I need to practice before I can knit a nice scarf. 🙂

It’s back to the grind for me today as I begin my first 5 week round of class #1, math. I go back to work tomorrow morning and Aaron has another couple days off before he’s back to teaching.

May the new year be a safe, healthy and happy one for all of you!

Love and peace,