Father’s Day : 2014

What a fabulous day we had as a family! We love, love, love our family time.

Arabella adores her daddy. One day I know she will look back and say she inspires her daddy for chasing his dreams. Nothing is handed to you in life. It’s always something you need to work towards. It may be an easy journey at times, and difficult at other times. As long as you believe in yourself and your dreams, you will eventually reach your short and long term goals. Aaron is a great example of this. Thank you for being who you are as a husband and father. We love you!

IMG_0717Playing under the covers!

IMG_0725Disc Golf

IMG_0721Arabella cheering on her dad!


Cueingly Yours,

Cued Language Services : Alternatives to Legal Action

When we had picked our hospital, we made the request for cued language transliterators and made efforts to ensure that the services would be set up using local resources that we had already referred the hospital to. We ended up not receiving cued language services.

Why was it important to us to focus on education instead of legal action?

•  collaboration vs confrontation

•  advocacy vs activism

•  education vs ignorance

•  improve the accommodation process

•  paving the way for others to follow

The Legal Center, especially Alison and Amy, did a phenomenal job taking on the lead in doing their research before composing a letter that was sent to the hospital. We explained briefly what Cued Speech was and were expecting them to email us with further questions as they had never heard of it before. Instead, they sent us a draft of their letter and it was near spot on! If you are in Colorado and need assistance with legal issues involving accommodations — WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS FIRM.

They asked to write an article about our experience and we made it to the front page of their newsletter.
Cueingly Yours,
Aaron & M-B